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Advantages & Disadvantages of eBooks
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Mind Map by
Johanna Juhász
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Johanna Juhász
about 9 years ago
Resource summary
Advantages & Disadvantages of eBooks
Physical things
never lose your page (mention two physical types of bookmarks and their problems)
not heavy (college and high school students benefit)
never lose your book (no fees for being late or lost)
can't rip pages
treeless and inkless
"durability": no yellowing of pages, stains, etc.
if the physical copy is lost it may be available online
automatic bookmarks
easy to read in dark
Money $$$
"cheaper" to produce and buy
don't have to flip pages
have other tabs and music, etc. open
adjustable text size, colors, brightness
eBooks can be read by computer
Physical things
battery power needed, a charge, a cord, a full battery
strain on eyes
must have a device
you cannot read in very cold or moist conditions
can't loan out the book same way as a physical book
can't get an autographed copy
new book smell, old book smell
feeling the pages, the cover
real pages that are rough or gold-coated
3D covers
PERSONAL ANECDOTE: Ology series (a quill was with book, envelopes)
flaps, moving parts to page, coloring, note taking, stickers
hard to read in the sun
Money $$$
lost device is expensive
used books are cheaper but there are no used eBooks
Emotional aspects
a book that's been in the family for years
a book you had as a child
memories of a flashlight under the covers
feel / smell of a book might be a memory
a book with someone's handwriting in it
Quotes from The Writers' House UK Team
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