Mental Health


My mental health mind map.
Mind Map by brenwongg, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by brenwongg over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Mental Health
  1. Personal Well- Being
    1. Daily Interactions
      1. Social
        1. Online
        2. Relationships
          1. Family
            1. Friends
              1. Enemies
                1. Teachers
                2. School
                  1. Work
                  2. Sleep
                    1. Sleep Deprivation
                  3. Stress
                    1. Depression
                      1. Relationships
                        1. Anxiety
                          1. School
                            1. Work
                            2. Isolation
                            3. Disorders
                              1. Anxiety
                                1. Social Anxiety
                                2. Eating
                                  1. Anorexia
                                    1. Overeating
                                    2. Depression
                                      1. Bipolar
                                        1. Panic
                                          1. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
                                          2. Are You Mentally Healthy? You are when:
                                            1. You feel comfortable with yourself
                                              1. You are not overwhelmed by you own feelings
                                                1. You feel all human emotions
                                                  1. Fear
                                                    1. Anger
                                                      1. Love
                                                        1. Jealousy
                                                          1. Guilt
                                                            1. Joy
                                                            2. You are not overcome by emotions
                                                              1. You are able to meet the demands of life
                                                                1. Respond to problems
                                                                  1. Accept responsibitliy
                                                                    1. Planning ahead
                                                                      1. able to establish reachable goals
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