Prenatal development and its 3stages


prenatal development
cinthya panama
Mind Map by cinthya panama, updated more than 1 year ago
cinthya panama
Created by cinthya panama over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Prenatal development and its 3stages
  1. Where does life begin?
    1. The life of a human being is born in the union of two people of different sex.
      1. The precise moment of awakening to life begins early in conception, in the fertilization phase or in the most advanced stage of implantation of the embryo in the mother's womb.
        1. Most of the codes of life are inscribed in that first cell called the zygote.
          1. It normally lasts nine months, and in each of the trimesters into which it is divided different parts of the body develop.
            1. First trimester Germinal Stage
              1. It begins with the woman's menstrual period.
                1. After the end of the second week, an ovum is released from the ovary, here it is more likely to conceive if the couple have sex.
                  1. WEEK 3: after sexual intercourse, several sperm travels and only one of them enters the mother's ovum and CONCEPTION occurs there.
                    1. This is how the egg or zygote is formed, which contains ALL THE GENETIC INFORMATION. In this way, the zygote goes down the fallopian tube. It passes to the blastocyst, which is composed of an internal group of cells
                      1. Becomes an embryo and the external group: will become structures, so-called membranes, same that protect the embryo.
                        1. During the sixth and seventh week, traits continue to develop that allow the identification of parts of the embryo such as the eyes, ears or heart, as well as the hands and feet during the eighth week.
                          1. In the ninth week you can also begin to see your arms, elbows, and your essential organs begin to grow.
                            1. After the tenth week it is no longer considered an embryo, but a fetus.
                      2. The baby tends to suffer the risk of injuries which can cause congenital anomalies. (Includes, consumption of illicit substances or mother's diseases.
                  2. Second trimester Embryonic stage
                    1. At the beginning of this trimester, the most noticeable thing about the fetus is its head, which occupies about half its total size.
                      1. Aspects such as nails or genitals continue to develop during these weeks, and the face is already formed.
                        1. The eyelids close the baby's eyes, and until the 28th week they will remain that way.
                          1. The fetus begins to make its first movements between weeks 15 and 18.
                            1. the fetus is already close to 18 centimeters and weighs about 200 grams.
                              1. The bones become harder and the first hair, called lanugo, begins to appear. Between 19 and 21 weeks the baby begins to hear, and also moves more actively
                                1. In week 22 the lanugo has already spread to the entire body of the fetus, also appearing the eyebrows and eyelashes.
                                  1. You are now developing muscles and being able to hear your heartbeat.
                                    1. At the end of this stage, the baby's airways develop and the bone marrow begins to produce blood cells. The fetus also begins to store fat.
                          2. Third trimester Fetal stage
                            1. The baby begins to finish developing different parts of his body: everything related to the eyes and footprints are already well noticeable.
                              1. The lungs are also highly functional, although not enough to survive outside the uterus.
                                1. Between weeks 27 and 30, the baby reopens its eyelids, and the nervous system develops a lot, especially in the brain and for the orders of different functions of the body.
                                  1. The respiratory system begins to produce surfactant, which causes the alveoli to fill with air when it is born.
                                    1. The size of the fetus by week 28 already occupies most of the uterus, and is usually positioned inverted
                                      1. Starting at week 31, the baby begins to retain iron, calcium and phosphorus in his body, which further promotes the development of the body.
                                        1. By week 35, the baby already weighs about 2.5 kilos, and his heart and blood vessels have already formed completely.
                                          1. In the last weeks, between 38 and 40, the lanugo disappears except on the shoulders and arms, the hair developed on the head also being thicker and more resistant. Breast buds also appear.
                                            1. As of week 40, the embryo is considered to be fully developed and ready to be born, varying the date on which it occurs.
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