Enquiry approach to the geography of crime


A mind map summarising the enquiry approach to fieldwork and investigations focusing on the the Geography of Crime student resources
Mind Map by RAPHAEL HEATH, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by RAPHAEL HEATH over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Enquiry approach to the geography of crime
  1. 1 -Planning phase
    1. Watch the crime mapping videos
      1. Use the links to read about other research and understand theory
        1. Use video tutorial part 1 to look at local data
          1. Form study aim and sub questions
            1. Choose a small scale study area
              1. Draft an outline plan for your study
              2. 2 - Data collection
                1. Identify data needed
                  1. See the primary data ideas section
                  2. acquire secondary data
                    1. Use video tutorials parts 1, 2, 5 and 6
                    2. Develop risk assessment for any fieldwork
                      1. Develop data recording sheets
                        1. Decide on sampling size and approach
                          1. Collect primary data
                            1. See video tutorials parts 7 and 10
                          2. 3 - Data presentation
                            1. As GIS maps
                              1. See video tutorial part 2, 3 and 4
                                1. Chloropleth maps
                                  1. Heat maps
                                    1. Hot spots
                                      1. Colour shaded symbols
                                        1. Proportional symbols
                                          1. Isoline maps
                                        2. As Graphs
                                          1. See video tutorial part 9
                                          2. As annotated photos
                                            1. As sumary tables of data
                                            2. 4 - Data analysis
                                              1. Spatial analysis
                                                1. See video tutorials part 4, 8 and 9
                                                  1. Hot spots
                                                    1. Counts by areas
                                                      1. Counts within a distance of places
                                                    2. Describe patterns and trends
                                                      1. Explain data
                                                      2. Proportional analysis
                                                        1. Percentages
                                                        2. Correlations
                                                          1. See video tutorial part 9
                                                        3. 5 - Conclusion and evaluation
                                                          1. Synthesise key findings
                                                            1. Compare to theory/ expections
                                                              1. Make recommendations for Police and government
                                                              2. Confidence in findings
                                                                1. Strenghts of study
                                                                  1. Limitations of approach
                                                                    1. Suggested improvements
                                                                      1. How to extend the study
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