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EDUC260- Multimodal Literacies for a Digital Age
2 EDUCATION SEM 1 2015 Mind Map on EDUC260- Multimodal Literacies for a Digital Age, created by angelwoo2002 on 02/06/2015.
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education sem 1 2015
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Resource summary
EDUC260- Multimodal Literacies for a Digital Age
Week 12 Lecture 1
comprising of more than one mode
Multimodal texts
texts that uses a combination of two or more communication modes e.g. print, image, sounds, films
the various processes of communication e.g. listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, representing
Multimodal literacy
combination and interrelation of skills (verbal, visual, oral, compositional) to make meaning
The trends towards appreciating multimodal texts and making meaning from them
the blurring of traditional boundaries between the roles of certain texts such as words, images, document design etc
Web 2.0 Literacy (CURRENT)
Social networking (facebook, youtube), retrieving info and sharing info, hypertext literacy, interactive user, social learner
e.g. podcasting, blogs, drawing, photos, videos, presentations
Web 3.0 Literacy (FUTURE)
mobile phones + connectedness with technology (speed, storage, distribution), virtual reality
"a network of links between words, ideas, sources"- has no beginning or end
Think about website--> links to other parts of the text through multiple paths (not always easy to follow)
New Ways of Reading and New Forms
Change of Roles!
Readers- create own reading paths
Authors- can be anyone
Print can be arranged in different ways/ formats- combination of sounds, images, animations,
Visuals play a bigger role- own grammar, conventions and meanings
New social purposes and text forms
Digital Literacy
Functional Skills- related to teaching, develop, experiment, resources
Creativity- active exploration, uses knowledge, thinking, imagination
Critical Thinking and Evaluation- analysing, evaluating, reflecting, decision-making, questioning
Cultural and Social Understanding- understand other people's perspectives and contexts
Collaboration- flexibility, dialogue, building, virtue groups
The ability to find and select information- research skills, copyright and ethics
Effective Communication- purposeful, audience, making choices and using specific tools
Week 12 Lecture 2
Online Gaming/ Digital Games
computer games are multimodal texts with interactive structures e.g. images, sounds, narratives, collaborative skills, visual design, writing
critical thinking, problem solving skills, understand how the images and words work together, understand how to work with others
Implications for Learning
Students need to connect the learnt skills within the classroom and in the outside world
Expanding strategies to read and make meaning
Examples of Digital Literacy
e.g. Inanimate Alice, Pottermore
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