AQA: Tsarist Russia 1855-1917: Alexander III


Mind Map on AQA: Tsarist Russia 1855-1917: Alexander III, created by Sophie Evans on 11/05/2015.
Sophie Evans
Mind Map by Sophie Evans, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Evans
Created by Sophie Evans over 9 years ago

Resource summary

AQA: Tsarist Russia 1855-1917: Alexander III
  1. Reaction
    1. 1889- Land Captains introduced
      1. Nobles
        1. Could override the Zemstva and Mir
        2. Police
          1. Okhrana introduced
            1. Could use torture and execute without trial
              1. Any suspect of opposition meant arrest without trial
            2. Economic
              1. Bread prices kept down during good harvests
                1. Indirect taxes increreased
                  1. Hurt peasants
                  2. Grain exports increased
                    1. 1891 Famine
                2. Opposition
                  1. Overcame?
                    1. Yes
                      1. Rounded up 150 opposition members
                        1. Hanged 5
                          1. Raided meeting places
                          2. Police given more powers
                            1. Russification
                            2. No
                              1. Liberal opp not dealt with as harshly
                                1. Liberal opposition grew
                                2. 1904 war lead to more reason for opposition
                                  1. Demand for Liberal reform in Zemstva
                                3. Reasons for
                                  1. Industrialisation made Marxist ideas more attractive
                                    1. 1891 Famine
                                      1. Made Liberals more politicised
                                    2. Main groups
                                      1. The Populists
                                        1. 1886- People's Will reformed
                                          1. 1887- some arrested for planning assassination on Alex III
                                            1. 5 people hanged
                                          2. SDs
                                            1. 1903- Split
                                              1. Mensheviks
                                                1. Wanted to work with Liberals
                                                  1. Wanted a broad party with mass working class membership
                                                  2. Bolsheviks
                                                    1. Led by Lenin
                                                      1. Disciplined organisation led by professionals
                                                        1. Said Bourgeoisie and Proletariat revolutions could happen together
                                                      2. Freedom based on class struggle with the working class
                                                      3. SRs
                                                        1. Large peasant membership
                                                          1. 50% urban working class
                                                          2. Tried to stir up discontent in countryside
                                                          3. The Liberals
                                                            1. Wanted reforms not revolution
                                                              1. Zemstva's work during famine made them want to have more of a say nationally
                                                          4. Reforms
                                                            1. First Russian Labour laws
                                                              1. Legislation on workers rights
                                                              2. Bunge reduced redemption payments
                                                                1. 1883 Peasant Land Bank
                                                                  1. 1885 Nobles Land Bank
                                                                  2. Personal Life
                                                                    1. Autocracy, Orthodoxy and Nationalism
                                                                      1. Father murdered by People's Will
                                                                        1. 1881
                                                                        2. Tutored by Popadonastev
                                                                          1. Hated Jews
                                                                            1. Favoured autocracy and repression
                                                                          2. Russification
                                                                            1. Supported by Nobles who wanted order
                                                                              1. Wanted everyone in the Russian Empire to speak Russian
                                                                                1. Pogroms broke out in 1881
                                                                                  1. Laws brought in to discriminate against Jews
                                                                                    1. 1882- Jews sent to Pale of Settlement
                                                                                  2. Poland was the worst hit area
                                                                                    1. Many people effected joined opposition groups
                                                                                      1. Some appeal to Russians but mainly destructive
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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