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How Legislation Affects Computer Users - Cambridge Nationals ICT
GCSE ICT Mind Map on How Legislation Affects Computer Users - Cambridge Nationals ICT, created by Beth Coiley on 09/05/2015.
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cambridge nationals
computer misuse
health and safety
Mind Map by
Beth Coiley
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Beth Coiley
almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
How Legislation Affects Computer Users - Cambridge Nationals ICT
Monitoring Of Individuals By Organisations
Data files sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website.
Key logging
Recording the keys pressed on a device
Mobile phone triangulation
Measures the distance of the device from cell towers to determine its position
Locating users using GPS
Electronic Consumer Surveillance
Checking of consumer habits
E.g. Buying patterns
Computer Misuse Act 1990
Protects against hacking
(unauthorised access to computer systems with intent to cause damage or alter data)
Protects users from:
Data misuse
Unauthorised data modification
Identity abuse
Chat room abuse
Indecent material
Data Protection Act
Data must be:
Fairly and lawfully processed
Accurate and up to date
Adequate and not excessive
Not kept for longer than necessary
Used only for the specified purpose
Protected in accordance with the user's rights
Not transferred to a country outside the EU unless its adequate protection can be ensured
Health and Safety at Work Act
States that:
Businesses must employ a health and safety officer
Staff must have appropriate work breaks
Equipment must be regularly tested
Health and safety codes and policies must be provided
All staff must be properly trained
Work environment must be appropriate
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
States that:
It is illegal to copy, store and modify data without the owner's permission
It is illegal to sell copies of files without permission
Software piracy is illegal
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