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Objectification of women
The objectification of women within Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber stories.
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a2 english literature
objectification of women
angela carter
the bloody chamber
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english literature
the bloody chamber
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
Objectification of women
In the Gothic:
the ‘predator’/femme fatale
dangerous yet powerfully attractive; she helps portray the pain/pleasure paradox that has come to be synonymous with Gothic literature
the 'victim'
fragile and vulnerable, she gives the heroes something to rescue, and is often the prize for their brave endeavours
often a virginal maiden
The Bloody Chamber
The Marquis turns the narrator into a pornographic image reflected 12 times over
he dictates that she wear the collar of rubies- likening her to a dog
"the bloody bandage of rubies"
"he would not let me take off my ruby choker"
he plans to murder her and keep her in his bloody Chamber as a trophy
The Courtship of Mr Lyon
Beauty becomes an object when her father uses her as payment for his debt to the Beast
Although Beauty lives luxuriously, she is treated as an object and the property of men- her father and the Beast
Tiger's Bride
the heroine's father considers her one of his belongings- he wagers and then loses her to The Beast.
seen as merely "a pearl" or "a treasure," prized for her beauty and nothing else.
She escapes objectification by rejecting the role of woman entirely and turning into a tigress.
Snow Child
the Count created a perfect girl for his own enjoyment
blood red lips, skin as white as snow- made in his perfect image
she does not speak and does only what she is asked to do by him
he rapes her
once he has had sex with her she disappears into mere objects.
"a feather a bird might have dropped; a bloodstain [...] the rose"
The Lady of the House of Love
The Countess is the only character who objectifies men
"like to caress their lean brown cheeks and stroke their rugged hair"
she can't have a loving and fulfilling relationship- her insatiable hunger means that she preys on men
"she loathes the food she eats"
"hunger always overcomes her"
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