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Battles of WW2
Mind Map on Battles of WW2, created by Stefan TheKiwiCl on 07/04/2015.
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battles of ww2
Mind Map by
Stefan TheKiwiCl
, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 10 years ago
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Stefan TheKiwiCl
almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
Battles of WW2
August 19, 1942 - Raids on Dieppe
Test for a full scale invasion of Western Europe, and test Germany's defence along the French coast, and to gather intel on German's responses.
Town of Dieppe, on the coast of France.
5000 of 6100 troops involved at the Raids of Dieppe were Canadians
Royal Regiment of Canada, Black Watch,South Saskatchewan Regiment,Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada, Essex Scottish Regiment, Les Fusiliers
Allies also wanted to prove to Germans that could hold a major port.
Lasted over 9 hours
Canada, United Kingdom
Four flank attacks were planned for just before dawn
main frontal assault on the town of Dieppe
Surprise was key to the plan.
The RAF's main objectives were to protect over the naval force and beach heads and force the Luftwaffe forces into the battle.
Led by Major-General J. M. Roberts
Also know as, Operation Rutter
RCAF lost 13 aircraft and 10 pilots
3,367 casualties - including 1,946 taken prisoner and 907 Canadians killed
Royal Navy lost 1 destroyer 33 landing crafts 550 dead and wounded
RAF lost 106 planes and 81 airmen
275 commandos
311 dead, 280 wounded
Luftwaffe 23 Fw 190 25 Dornier Do 217
Landing ships and escorts on the east met a small German convoy. This alerted the Germans, eliminating the element of surprise.
This encounter readied the Germans and since Royal Regiment of Canada landed late on Puys beach,The Germans forced the Canadians to surrender.
Most of the South Saskatchewans and Cameron Highlanders were successfully evacuated, but the rearguard did not.
The tanks were supposed to support the troops, but all entrances to Dieppe were blocked by barriers, trapping any tanks that made it that far.
A general withdrawal order was given at 11 am. The Allied forces retreated, and changed their military strategies to weaken German defence.
June 6, 1994- D Day
Strategies Used
Allies convinced Germans that their intended target was Pas de Calais
Make fake planes, land crafts,tanks around de Calais
Germans retreated after they were attacked from the east, west, and south by allied forces.
By June 11, 1994, 326,547 troops, 54186 vehicles and 104 428 tons of supplies had been landed on the beaches of French
US Army general Dwight D Eisenhower and British General Bernard Montgomery.
The allies won as the Germans were caught by surprise and were extrememly unprepared.
The allies pushed to Berlin,and as they crossed the continent, they freed every country of Nazi control
In April 1945. the USSR were the first to reach Berlin, and as they took over the city, HItler learned about Mussolini`s death.
Mussolini was executed by his own people, and to escape the same situation, Hitler committed suicide in his bunker, on April 30th 1945.
A week later on May 7th, Germany officially surrendered, and on May 8th, 1945, Europeans celebrated this as VE Day ( Victory in Europe)
Largest seaborne invasion in History
Allied invasion of Normandy
Americans attack Utah and Omaha beaches
15 500 airborne troops
23 250 on Utah beach
34 250 Omaha beach
British attacked Cold and Sword beaches
24 970 on Gold beach
28 845 on Sword beach
Canadian attack Juno beach
21,400 on Juno Beach
UK, Canada, and US
Operation Neptune - involved landing the troops on the beaches, and all others helped establish a beach in French
began on D day (June 6 1944) and ended on June 30 1944
Operation Overload- Overload was the codename of the Allied invasion of north-west Europe
Operation Overlord also began on D day, and continued until Allied forces crossed the River Seine on 19 August 1944
1213 naval combat, 4126 landing ships and landing crafts, 736 ancillary craft and 864 merchant vessels, 195 700 personnel were assigned.
The losses at Juno beach are 340 killed, 574 wounded and 47 taken prisoner
1000 on Gold beach and Sword Beach. Airborne troops 600 killed and 600 missing
465 dead, 3184 wounded, 1928 missing , 26 captured, and 2499 casualties were from the US airborne troops
4000 to 9000 men killed. Naval losses included 24 warships 35 merchantmen120 vessels
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