GCSE AQA Biology 1 Drugs


A mind map showing information about drugs, testing, thalidomide...
Lilac Potato
Mind Map by Lilac Potato, updated more than 1 year ago
Lilac Potato
Created by Lilac Potato almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

GCSE AQA Biology 1 Drugs
  1. Drug: A substance which alters the way the body works
    1. Chemical changes caused by drug can lead to addiction
      1. If drug isn't taken - withdrawal symptoms
      2. Examples of addictive drugs


        • * Heroin * Cocaine * Nicotine * Caffeine
      3. Types of drugs
        1. Medicinal
          1. e.g. antibiotics
            1. Prescription or non-prescription
              1. Can be dangerous if misused
              2. Performance-enhancing
                1. Can improve performance in sport
                  1. Different types
                    1. Anabolic steroids


                      • Increase muscle size
                      1. Stimulants


                        • Increase heart rate
                      2. Can have negative health effects


                        • Steroids can cause high blood pressure
                        1. Some banned by law, some prescription-only - ALL are banned by sporting bodies
                          1. Ethical problems
                            1. For taking drugs


                              • * Athletes have right to make own decision about whether taking drugs is worth risk or not * Drug-free sport isn't really fair anyway - have access to different facilities, equipment, coaches...
                              1. Against taking drugs


                                • * Unfair that people gain advantage * Athletes may not be fully aware of serious health risks
                            2. Recreational
                              1. Can be illegal or legal


                                • Illegal drugs divided into: * Soft - can still be harmful * Hard - thought as more addictive and more harmful
                                1. Reasons for use


                                  • * Pleasure/enjoyment * Relaxation * Stress relief
                              2. Cannabis and hard drug use


                                • Almost all users of hard drugs have tried cannabis first but most users of cannabis don't go on to use hard drugs
                                1. The link is because...
                                  1. It's a stepping stone


                                    • Effects cause desire to try harder drugs
                                    1. It's a gateway drug


                                      • Brings people into contact with drug dealers
                                      1. It's because of genetics


                                        • Certain people are more likely to take take drugs generally - they will try other drugs too...
                                    2. Legal drugs
                                      1. Some have more of an impact than illegal drugs
                                        1. Smoking


                                          • * Causes heart and lung disease * Tobacco smoke causes cancer * Nicotine is addictive
                                          1. Alcohol


                                            • * Affects nervous system - slows down body's reactions * Too much can lead to impaired judgement, poor coordination and unconsciousness * Excessive drinking can cause liver disease and brain damage * It's addictive
                                            1. Cost of crime and loss of money to economy
                                            2. More people take them
                                              1. NHS spend lots of money treating people
                                                1. Cause grief to people affected
                                              2. Drug claims
                                                1. Statins


                                                  • * Prescribed drugs used to lower risk of heart & circulatory diseases * Lower blood cholesterol and reduce risk of heart disease in diabetics * Large-scale research has been done to compare people who had and hadn't taken statins
                                                  1. Cannabis


                                                    • * Illegal drug * Scientist have investigated whether it causes mental health problems - results vary
                                                  2. Testing medicinal drugs
                                                    1. 1) Drugs are tested on human cells and tissues


                                                      • * Can't use human cells and tissues for drugs that affect whole or multiple body systems
                                                      1. 2) Drugs are tested on live animals


                                                        • * To see whether drug works, to find out its toxicity and the best dosage * Law states any new drug must be tested on 2 different live mammals
                                                        1. 3) Drugs are tested on human volunteers


                                                          • * Drug is tested on healthy volunteers to find out side effects (v. low dose is given) * If results are good, drug is tested on people with the illness to find optimum dose (most effective/few side effects) * Double-blind trials are used - patients are put into 2 groups (one is given drug and one is given placebo) * When finding out effect of drug - allows for placebo effect * Doctors and patients don't know - doctors monitoring and analysing be influenced
                                                    2. Thalidomide
                                                      1. Was intended as a sleeping pill


                                                        • Was tested for that use
                                                        1. Was found to be effective in relieving morning sickness
                                                          1. Wasn't tested for that use - didn't know affected fetus causing abnormal limb development


                                                            • * Some babies born with no arms or legs * 10000 babies affected - only half survived
                                                            1. Drug was banned - more rigorous testing introduced
                                                              1. Recently thalidomide has been used for treating leprosy
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