Classification of Matter


Selam H
Mind Map by Selam H, updated more than 1 year ago
Selam H
Created by Selam H almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Classification of Matter
  1. Pure Substances
    1. Elements
      1. Examples: 1.)H2O [water] 2.)Na Cl [salt] 3.)02 [2 oxygen]
      2. Compounds
        1. Example: 1.)He [helium] 2.)K [potassium] 3.)C [carbon]
      3. Mixtures
        1. Suspension
          1. Examples: 1.)Sandy Water 2.)Orange Juice 3.)Soil and Water Mix
          2. Solution
            1. Examples: 1.)Dissolved Salty Water 2.)Kool Aid 3.)Wind Shield Cleaner
            2. Colloid
              1. Examples: 1.)Store-Bought Milk 2.)Whipped Cream 3.)Fog
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