3G and WiFi


GCSE ICT (3G & WiFi) Mind Map on 3G and WiFi, created by sjordan756 on 24/09/2013.
Mind Map by sjordan756, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sjordan756 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

3G and WiFi
  1. Mobile Phones
    1. Bluetooth
      1. Small range (between 10-100m)
        1. Low power usage
          1. Allows users to share files between phones
            1. Can connect phone to wireless audio system e.g. car audio system or wireless headset
            2. 3G/WAP
              1. Data transfer speeds are slower than WiFi
                1. High power usage
                  1. Can connect to broadband on the go
                    1. Can be used to send/receive emails, texts, and voice calls
                      1. Tariffs are expensive with low data allowance
                    2. Smartphones and PDAs
                      1. 3G
                        1. A subscription to a service provider e.g. Vodafone is required
                          1. Data Transfer speeds are slower than WiFi
                            1. Tariffs can be very expensive, with cheaper tariffs costing £20 per month for 15GB of data usage
                            2. WiFi
                              1. Can be used to download apps, email, videos and music
                                1. High data transfer speeds (Up to 300mbps on 'N' Standard)
                                  1. High power consumption
                                  2. Bluetooth
                                    1. Used to transfer pictures and MP3s on mobile phones
                                      1. Can be used to play audio wirelessly
                                        1. Low power usage
                                          1. Range - Between 10-100m
                                            1. Enter text here
                                          2. Laptops
                                            1. WiFi
                                              1. Can connect to a wireless LAN using a router to access the server and all peripherals available to users of the network
                                                1. Data can be transmitted at speeds of up to 300 megabits per second
                                                  1. Wifi hotspots can be found in city centres, hotels, airports and cafés
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