Healing and Repair


Processes in Diseases Mind Map on Healing and Repair, created by Daniel Elandix G on 18/09/2013.
Daniel Elandix G
Mind Map by Daniel Elandix G, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Elandix G
Created by Daniel Elandix G almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Healing and Repair
  1. Definitions


    • Regeneration: Destroyed tissue replaced by original tissue, function retained. Repair: half regeneration, half scar tissue Fibrosis: Replacement of tissue with scar tissue.
    1. Factors that lead to regeneration or repair


      • Proliferative Potential: Depends on tissue Volume: How many tissue removed Persistence: Yeah, depends on pathology too Location: Where it got hurt.
      1. What starts healing


        • Triggers by same stimuli that induces inflammation and cellular death. Recruited inflammatory cells.
        1. Stages


          • Haemostassis and acute inflammatory response Parenchymal Regeneration Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts Synthesis of extracellular matrix Remodelling of parenchyma (to restore function REstore strength
          1. Granulation Tissue


            • Tissue that proliferate repair Consists of cells like microphages *provide growth factors Fibroblasts Blood vessels Tissue may cause it to look edemic and swollen.
            1. Scar Tissue


              • More of fibroblast, the result of granulation tissue healing.
          2. Healing in 1st Intention


            • Clean cut. Neutrophils migrate towards scab. The epidermis is healed within 3 to 4 days. Deep tissues heal within 3 to 4 weeks.
            1. Healing in 2nd Intention


              • Significant loss of epidermal area. Eventually will leave a dip/depression on site. Extensive granulation tissue will form. Normally have wound contraction.
            2. Mediators of Wound Healing


              • Consists of Macrophages *redundancy to create fibroblast proliferation IL-10 Secretion to generate inflammatory cells and parachymal cells (endothelial cells) Signalling to secrete stuff into blood vessels.
              1. Impede wound healing
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