Cognitive Approach


A mind map covering the cognitive approach of AS level psychology
Mind Map by emily.mcauliffe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emily.mcauliffe about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Cognitive Approach
  1. Focuses on mediational processes SOR
    1. e.g. memory, thinking, decision making, attention
      1. Can be studied scientifically like behaviourist...can't see what's in our heads, but can make inferences based on behaviour
        1. Believe mental processes to be as important as environmental stimuli when learning
          1. Lie between stimulus and response...SOR
          2. We actively organise and manipulate info - choose what to pay attention to
            1. Believe mental processes change over time
              1. Thinking becomes more sophisticated
              2. Assumes people process information like computers - information processors
                1. Stimulus: mouse, keyboard, microphone, USB. Ears, eyes, nose, touch
                  1. Output: monitor, sound etc. Behaviour
                  2. Uses models to explain unobservable mental processes
                    1. Information processing approach (IPA)
                      1. Stimulus
                        1. Sensory input
                          1. Perception
                            1. Ball coming towards left hand
                        2. Organism
                          1. Processing
                            1. Decision making
                              1. Decide to catch in left hand
                          2. Response
                            1. Output
                              1. Behaviour
                                1. Catch ball
                        3. Strengths
                          1. Highly controlled lab experiments
                            1. Has considered areas ignored by behaviourists
                              1. Advanced understanding of human functions e.g. memory research
                                1. Developed practical applications including cognitive therapy and interviews
                          2. Weaknesses
                            1. Experiments are artificial tasks - lack ecological validity. Can't be generalised to real life situations.
                              1. IPA - info can be passed between computers but not humans
                                1. IPA - mechanistic. Does not consider emotions or motivation
                                  1. Reductionistic - focuses on metal processes and ignores complexities of human life
                            2. Millers Magic number 7
                              1. Participants were shown around 20 letters and were asked to recall them immediately after
                                1. As soon as they got one wrong, Miller stopped counting.
                                  1. It was found the average number of letters recalled was 7 (+-2)
                                    1. This showed that the short term memory storage was limited
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