Communication Systems


A level Biology Mind Map on Communication Systems, created by beccadavies19 on 30/12/2014.
Mind Map by beccadavies19, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beccadavies19 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Communication Systems
  1. External Environment
    1. Can be air, water or soil. It can change and put the organism under stress
      1. Slow changes e.g. Season change/global warming
        1. Fast change e.g. Day to night/sunshine to darkness
      2. Detecting changes
        1. High blood sugar levels after a meal
          1. Body releases insulin - hormonal
          2. Smelling delicious food
            1. Mouth waters - nervous
            2. Torch shone in eye
              1. Pupils contract - nervous
              2. Sudden drop in external temperature
                1. Shiver - nervous
              3. Internal Environment
                1. Cells...
                  1. metabolic reactions, use up substrates and produce products e.g. CO2
                    1. CO2 needs excreting
                      1. This means the removal of waste to prevent accumulation in the blood
                        1. CO2 needs excreting as it can build up in tissue fluid ad disrupt enzyme action of cells, and change pH levels
                    2. ...are bathed in tissue fluid which is made from the blood
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