Mass Spectrometry


Mass Spectrometry
Mind Map by anna.mat1997, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anna.mat1997 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Mass Spectrometry
  1. Uses
    1. Relative atomic mass
      1. Relative molecular mass
        1. relative isotopic abundance
          1. Molecular structure
          2. Step 1- Vaporisation
            1. The sample is vaporised by an electrical heater
            2. Step 2- Ionisation
              1. The gas particles are bombarded with high energy electrons to ionise them by knocking off electrons, leaving positive ions.
              2. Step 3- Acceleration
                1. The positive ions are accelerated by an electric field
                2. Step 4- Deflection
                  1. The positive ions' paths are altered with a magnetic field. Lighter ions have less momentum so are deflected more than heavier ions. For a given magnetic field, only ions with a particular mass/charge ratio make it to the detector.
                  2. Step 5- Detection
                    1. The magnetic field strength is slowly increased. As this happens, different ions can reach the detector. As they hit the detector they release a current.The bigger the current the more of that isotope is present in the sample. A mass spectrum is produced.
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