Poetic Techniques


Leaving Certificate English (Poetry) Mind Map on Poetic Techniques, created by cian.buckley on 02/12/2012.
Mind Map by cian.buckley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cian.buckley almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Poetic Techniques
  1. Theme
    1. main topic or issue in the poem
    2. Rhythm
      1. beat of the poem
      2. Tone
        1. voice of the poet/speaker
          1. can be changed for different meanings
        2. Metaphor
          1. Image created without using 'like', 'as' or 'than'
          2. Simile
            1. Special kind of image
              1. made by comparing two things of different nature using the words 'like', 'as' or 'than'
            2. Images
              1. word-pictures created with our imagination
              2. Personification
                1. when an inanimate object is given human characteristics
                2. Alliteration
                  1. Lots of words starting with the same letter
                  2. Assonance
                    1. when a vowel sound is repeated in a line
                      1. words that rhyme often have assonance
                    2. Onomatopoeia
                      1. when a word imitates the sound it is describing
                      2. Mood
                        1. Main emotion of the poem
                        2. Atmosphere
                          1. linked to the setting
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