The Four Humours


Mind Map on The Four Humours, created by zaza-zoo on 22/12/2014.
Mind Map by zaza-zoo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zaza-zoo about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Four Humours
  1. Body is made up of 4 elements.
    1. Balance is essential for healthiness.
    2. Blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile
      1. Mentioned in the Hippocratic Books
        1. All 4 humours in perfect balance to be healthy.
          1. Connected with the seasons
            1. Blood - Spring
              1. Phlegm - Winter
                1. Yellow Bile - Summer
                  1. Black Bile - Autumn
                    1. Too much of one in a particular season related to a specific disease.
                      1. Example
                        1. Colds
                          1. Common in winter
                            1. Produce a lot of phlegm
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