Ch.3 pages 14-21


Chapters 1 to 5 Mind Map on Ch.3 pages 14-21, created by mjans on 24/08/2013.
Mind Map by mjans, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mjans almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Ch.3 pages 14-21
  1. Ellie
    1. Has long fair hair and green eyes
      1. Loves Boort and wants Sadie to as well
        1. Tries to charm people by being all polite and charming
          1. Has known Craig Mortlock since she was a child
          2. Sadie
            1. Thirteen years old
              1. Thinks Boort is a dead town but somewhat fascinating and intriguing
              2. Hazzards in Boort
                1. Ellie's grandfather Clarry Hazzard fought in World War 1 over in France and was not killed
                  1. When he returned he married, had four kids and ran the little supermarket on the corner
                2. The Mortlocks
                  1. Craig, and old friend of Ellie's, married Amanda and Lachie is their son
                    1. Lachie has shaggy fair hair and is number 29 on the Magpies footy seniors team. He is 2 or 3 years older than Sadie
                    2. Own half of Boort including Lake Invergarry
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