Lyme regis


homework for Mr Evans
Harry Partridge
Mind Map by Harry Partridge, updated more than 1 year ago
Harry Partridge
Created by Harry Partridge almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Lyme regis
  1. Introduction
    1. Location
      1. Dorset coast
      2. What
        1. Town resort
        2. Specialities
          1. World Heritage Jurassic Coast
            1. fossil hunting
          2. Characteristics of coastline surrounding Lyme regis
            1. no natural harbour
              1. manmade structures required
                1. safe mooring
                  1. storm defence
                2. exposed
                  1. soft rock
                    1. vulnerable
                      1. landslides
                        1. coastal erosion
                        2. Lime stone base
                          1. Middle - layers of clay
                            1. Top - sandy soils & sandstone
                              1. unstable
                      2. Coastal Management
                        1. part with residential & commercial properties
                          1. hold or advance the line
                            1. foreshore
                              1. soft engineering
                                1. beach replenishment
                                  1. absorb wave energy during storms before waves hit sea defences
                                2. hard engineering
                                  1. new sea defences
                                    1. Rock amour
                                      1. 2 sea walls constructed
                                      2. masonry jetties
                                        1. keep beach material in place
                                        2. implications
                                          1. very expensive
                                            1. 30 mill
                                      3. cliff managment
                                        1. stabilisation of cliffs
                                          1. prevent landslides
                                          2. drainage
                                      4. shoreline out of town
                                        1. hold the line
                                          1. stables slopes
                                          2. do nothing
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