Feminist Theory


Evolution of Feminism
Mind Map by pearlvyas, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pearlvyas about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Feminist Theory
  1. Waves
    1. 2nd Wave
      1. 1960s and 70s >Post war Economy
      2. 1st Wave
        1. 19th -Early 20th CE >Women's Suffrage
        2. 3rd Wave
          1. 1990s - >Broadened Feminism
        3. Positions
          1. Scientific Methods
            1. Queer Theory
              1. Trans Feminism
                1. Black Feminist Thought
                  1. Indigenous Feminism
                    1. Standpoint Theory
                    2. Dogma
                      1. ART
                        1. Revolutionary Tone
                          1. Social Media
                        2. Reforms
                          1. Inclusion
                            1. Intersectionality
                              1. Disability Rights Movement
                                1. LGBT Community
                                  1. Marriage Equality
                                  2. Theory and Activism
                                    1. Deconstructing Hegemony
                                      1. Expanding Feminism
                                        1. Sharing Experiences
                                          1. MY FEMINISM ?
                                        2. Disconnects
                                          1. Academia and Feminism
                                            1. Theory and Practice
                                              1. Who is a Feminist?
                                              2. Cross Cultural Comparisons
                                                1. Marginality
                                                  1. Denial of Difference
                                                    1. Different Problems and Concerns
                                                  2. Issues
                                                    1. Class
                                                      1. Privilege
                                                        1. Poverty
                                                        2. Culture
                                                          1. Intolerance
                                                            1. Disinfranchisement
                                                            2. Race
                                                              1. Discrimination
                                                                1. Domestic Violence
                                                                2. Identity
                                                                  1. Changing Definitions
                                                                    1. Redefining Bodies
                                                                    2. Sexuality
                                                                      1. Biological Essentialism
                                                                        1. AIDS Activism
                                                                      2. Challenges
                                                                        1. Colonial Connotations
                                                                          1. Maintaining Myths
                                                                            1. Prejudice
                                                                            2. Economic System
                                                                              1. Racism
                                                                                1. Domination
                                                                                2. Legal Reforms
                                                                                  1. Prison Abolition
                                                                                    1. Historical Subordination
                                                                                      1. Sex work in Canada
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