Imagination vs Reality


A level English Literature (Northanger Abbey) Mind Map on Imagination vs Reality, created by Fraya Locke on 08/01/2019.
Fraya Locke
Mind Map by Fraya Locke, updated more than 1 year ago
Fraya Locke
Created by Fraya Locke over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Imagination vs Reality
  1. Catherine is shaped by her experience reading Gothic novels
    1. Only by seperating herself from such fiction can Catherine truly grow
    2. Northanger Abbey doesn't fit the Gothic image Catherine envisioned
      1. Her first night in Northanger Abbey revolves around the gothic image
        1. Catherine wrongly assumes the General's relevance in Mrs Tilney's death, and questions whether she is fact dead or is being held captive by the General
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