How successful is the management of the Danes stream?


Geography Mind Map on How successful is the management of the Danes stream?, created by x Katie! x on 05/08/2013.
x Katie! x
Mind Map by x Katie! x, updated more than 1 year ago
x Katie! x
Created by x Katie! x over 11 years ago

Resource summary

How successful is the management of the Danes stream?
  1. What features of the Danes stream make it prone to flooding?
    1. What is the land use in the Danes stream drainage basin
      1. What is the maximum capacity of water?
        1. Is the danes stream more llikly to flood when the tide is high?
          1. What is the land use of the area?
            1. How does the Geology of the area effect the flooding?
            2. Will climate change impact on the flood risk?
              1. What flood management is in place?
                1. What other flood management strategies might reduce flood risk?
                  1. How successful have the measures been?
                    1. Are they sustainable?
                    2. How sustainable are they?
                      1. Are they hard or soft engenering?
                        1. Do the Milford residents feel safer now the river is managed?
                        2. How does the flooding effect the people?
                          1. How does it effect their businesses?
                            1. How does it damage their houses?
                              1. What are the costs of repair?
                              2. House prices
                                1. Has the value of the house gone up?
                                  1. Has the cost of insurance changed?
                                2. Why does the Danes stream need to be managed?
                                  1. How has the flooding effected the urban planning policy?
                                    1. Is it much stricter than other nearby towns whithout flood risks?
                                      1. Is it less strict now the management has been put in place?
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