Nouns 名词


Mind Map on Nouns 名词, created by junefenggz on 20/07/2013.
Mind Map by junefenggz, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by junefenggz almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Nouns 名词
  1. Definition: a word that names a person, place, or thing.
    1. varieties
      1. common nouns
        1. name any one of a class of person, place, or thing: - boy - city - food
        2. proper nouns
          1. name a specific person, place, or thing: /Bob /HK /Rice-a- Roni
          2. compound nouns
            1. two or more nouns that functions as a single unit: time capsule / great-uncle
            2. collective nouns
              1. name groups of people or things: -audience - family - herd - crowd
            3. Possessive Nouns 名词的所有格


              1. Plural Nouns
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