Growth & Development Growth


- Pediatric Mind Map on Growth & Development Growth, created by Ali Almudarsy on 12/09/2018.
Ali Almudarsy
Mind Map by Ali Almudarsy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ali Almudarsy
Created by Ali Almudarsy about 6 years ago
Ali Almudarsy
Copied by Ali Almudarsy about 6 years ago
Ali Almudarsy
Copied by Ali Almudarsy about 6 years ago
Ali Almudarsy
Copied by Ali Almudarsy about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Growth & Development Growth
  1. growth


    • eat / drink 0-add also Growth chart curves 1-the arm span height relationship
    1. anthropometric measurement
      1. weight
        1. length
          1. HC or HC/CC
            1. mid arm circumferance MAC
              1. skin fold thickness
                1. proportion of uppers segment and lower sgment
                2. Teething
                  1. Fontonels
                    1. Osseous growth
                    2. development


                      • 0-physical  1-social /emotional  2-awareness / learn 
                      1. reflexes


                        • 0-from God
                        1. stages


                          • 0-intrauterine  1-extra-uterine 2-revision per natal period.
                          1. Birth


                            • 0-sucking at birth whole life.
                            1. 1- 2 month


                              • 0-social smiles  1-hold head erect in mid position  2-fixes and follows.90 degree 3-grasp reflex at birth till 3-5 months.
                              1. 3 months


                                • 0-hold head up  1-good eye contact  2-holds rattle (subject) in hand. 3-turns to sound ear level.(mother voice). 4-fix and follow 180 degree. 5-no head lag. 6-prone lifts upper chest up.
                                1. 4 months
                                  1. 5 months
                                    1. 6 months


                                      • 0-transfer hand to hand 1-chews , babbles 2-sits support (hand forward) 3-lifts head from supine. 4-recognize strangers. 5-hold own bottle.
                                      1. 7-8 months


                                        • 0-sit alone  1-drink from cup with assistance  2-imitate simple acts of others. 3-uses a raking grasp to pull objects closer.
                                        1. 9-10months


                                          • 0-rise to sitting position alone. 1-crawl e.g pull body while in prone position. 2-hold one bottle with good hand mouth coordination. 3-walk holding on furniture (cruises). -stranger anxity -biscuite -understand bye bye /no. -rolls backs front. -
                                          1. 18 months


                                            • 0-run stiffy .picks up toy without falling over. 1-gets up /down stairs hold onto rail. 2-begins to jump with both feet. 3-build a tower of 4 cubs and throw a ball. 4-imitates vertical stroke. 5-has vocabulary of 10 words. 6-drinks from a cup with both hands. 7-feeds self with a spoon.
                                            1. 2 years


                                              • 0-runs well 1-climb stairs 2-build tower by 6 cubes. 3-imitate horizontal stroke. 4-puts 3 words in sentences. 5-develops control of sphincters (dry by dry). 6-kicks balls. 7-begin toilet training.
                                              1. 3 years


                                                • 0-goes upstairs with alternate steps. 1-ride tricycle. 2-like hearing & telling story.speak sentence of syllables. يحب يسمع ويسولف دكتور. 3-circle  4-builds tower of 9 cubes دكتور ابنا يحب يبني مكعبات 9 بعمر 3 سنوات. 5-undresses with assistance ,wash hand ,brush teeth . 6-know sex , recognize colors.
                                                1. normal vital date


                                                  • 0-at birth 1-adult
                                                  1. 4 years


                                                    • 0-cross (+) ,square  1-with assistance dress and undress. انلبسه ونزعه دكتور 2-attends to own toilet needs.
                                                    1. 5 years


                                                      • 0- triangle  1-fluency speech 2-knows 4 colors 3-dresses & undresses a lone. ايضا يكدم ملابسه بنفسه ابن الملحه ههه 4-use knife للزلاطه
                                                      1. 11-12 month


                                                        • 0-walk alone  1-uses mature pincer grasp. 2-uses few words other than ''dada / mama  3-imitates actions. 4-comes when called. cooperates with dressing -find hidden object.
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