Birth injuries


Mind Map on Birth injuries, created by Ali Almudarsy on 24/08/2018.
Ali Almudarsy
Mind Map by Ali Almudarsy, updated more than 1 year ago
Ali Almudarsy
Created by Ali Almudarsy about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Birth injuries
  1. soft injuries
    1. caput succedaneum
      1. cephal hematoma
        1. chigron
          1. brusing of face
            1. abrasion of the skin
              1. subgaleal haemorrhage
                1. fetal injuries
                2. nerve injury
                  1. brachial plaxus nerve injury
                    1. Erbs palsy
                      1. klumpks palsy
                      2. facial nerve injury
                        1. phrenic nerve injury
                        2. intracranial haemorrhage
                          1. subdural haemorrage
                            1. subarchnoid haemorrhage
                              1. perventricular haemorrage
                                1. intraventricular haemorrhage
                                  1. intra-parenchymal haemorrhage
                                    1. cerebral haemorrhage
                                    2. neonatal cold injury
                                      1. visceral trauma


                                        • liver / spleen / adrenal
                                        1. fracture
                                          1. skull fracture
                                            1. clavicle fracture
                                              1. humerus & femur fractures
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