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ICT in Organisations- Social & Environmental Impact
Mind Map on ICT in Organisations- Social & Environmental Impact, created by jordaneagle on 08/10/2014.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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Resource summary
ICT in Organisations- Social & Environmental Impact
As technology evolves some jobs become unnecessary as computers can replace humans.
Factory jobs that involved little skill and repetitive work is now done by robots.
Harmful jobs can be done by robots, such as spray painting where the fumes can be unhealthy.
Old fashioned jobs like filing and typing are replaced by computer systems that are more efficient.
Automatic stock control means no one is employed to count items on shelves in supermarkets.
Banks can employ less as tasks can be done by automated systems e.g. ATMs
ITC has created jobs as people are needed to create and manage IT systems, robots etc
Computer Programmer
Systems Analyst
ICT Technician
Designer- hardware, websites, databases
Because ICT is always changing staff must be taught how to use the newest software.
ICT skills need to be as up to date as possible which means companies have to offer training to keep their businesses productive.
ICT means training can be done online or on CDs which is more practical as staff don't need to travel to a college and can learn at individual pace.
Companies can create computed assisted learning (CAL) software for staff to learn the skills they need.
Working Practices
The way we communicate has changed due to ICT and this has helped make companies more productive.
Mobile phones are always on us and means you don't have to be in the workplace to be contacted.
Email is a way to instantly send someone a message instead of waiting for it to be manually delivered.
Unfinished work can be done at home thanks to laptops and phone software.
Supplies and different goods can be ordered online
Tele . .
Teleworking means more and more people can work at home using the internet, email and fax which allows them to communicate with their workplace.
No travel expenses and time is not wasted traveling to work place
Hours can be flexible
Office space and facilities are not needed so space is saved
Social interaction with co-workers is reduced
Distractions can mean less work done
Management can't check that work is being done
Teleconferencing means meetings can be held using the internet and communicating with microphones and video cameras
People don't need to travel so expenses and time are saved
Meetings can be short notice
No matter where in the world you are you can video call
Face to face meetings are needed when important decisions have to be made
Equipment such as video cameras need to be bought and installed.
Sound and picture quality is not always the best- can be jerky and out of synch
Companies can expand their businesses overseas
Can advertise their company online to a large audience.
Profits are increased as they can employ less people but cater to a wider market.
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