Internet Connection Methods


GCSE Btec ICT Mind Map on Internet Connection Methods, created by Gee_0599 on 07/10/2014.
Mind Map by Gee_0599, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Gee_0599 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Internet Connection Methods
  1. Wireless
    1. Used by wireless - enabled devices (i.e. smart phones) to log in to your internet. It has no wires.
      1. An advantage is that it can be used wherever there is an accessible wireless hub.
        1. A disadvantage is that you need to be able to access a wireless hub. Another is that it can be less secure than wired connections.
        2. Broadband
          1. A wired connection to a broadband supplier. Normally the connection is via a network card in the computer. They have an ethernet connection from their computer to the network
            1. An advantage is that they can give betterreception and are usually faster than dial-up.
              1. A disadvantage is that it requires a base which is wired in so it it less flexible than wireless.
              2. Dial - up
                1. A wired connection from a telephone line which needs a modem to convert signals to and from analogue for transmission.
                  1. An advantage is that you can use existing telephone lines which would be beneficial in some areas.
                    1. A disadvantage is that it gives poor reception at times. It also tend to be slower than other connection.
                    2. Bandwidth is a measure of available capacity of a network that can carry data. It is measured in Bits.
                      1. The transmission rate is the number of pieces of information that have been transferred during a time period.
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