

Mind Map about Standards and their classifications.
José Alfredo Santes Benítez
Mind Map by José Alfredo Santes Benítez, updated more than 1 year ago
José Alfredo Santes Benítez
Created by José Alfredo Santes Benítez almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Standards are needed to build programs and software that work on different systems.
    1. Standards can be de jure or de facto.
      1. De Jure
        1. De jure standards are those which have been approved by formal authorities like the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
        2. De Facto
          1. De facto standards are those which have been accepted as the best standard for their purpose.
        3. Proprietary standards
          1. Standards can be either proprietary or open.
            1. Proprietary Standard
              1. These are designed, created, maintained and controlled by a licence agreement which is owned by an organisation or individual, ie privately owned.
                1. Proprietary standards may be free to use, but the file specification is often closed rather than being open.
                2. Open Standard
                  1. Open standards are usually controlled by a Creative Commons licence or they are unlicensed.
                    1. They can be used by anyone and are not owned by a commercial organisation or individual.
                      1. They will have been developed by experts collaborating online.
                  2. Compatibility
                    1. This means that different types of files, software or hardware are able to work together
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