Acute Pericarditis


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Gina Aziez
Mind Map by Gina Aziez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by PatrickNoonan about 12 years ago
Miriam Shamou
Copied by Miriam Shamou almost 7 years ago
Gina Aziez
Copied by Gina Aziez almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Acute Pericarditis
  1. Etiology
    1. Infections
      1. -Viral -Bacterial -Fungal
      2. Metabolic
        1. -Uremia -Myxedema -Acute MI -Neoplasm -Trauma -Radiation
        2. Autoimmune
          1. -Rheumatic fever -Drug reaction -Rheumatological diseases -Lupus -Dressler's syndrome -Delayed post myocardial pericardial injury
        3. Pathophysiology & Epidemiology
          1. Cardiovascular disorder caused by inflammation of the pericardial sac (pericardium)
            1. -85% of cases are viral or idiopathic - Accounts for 5% of emergency department visits for chest pain
            2. Diagnosis
              1. Sudden onset of sharp/stabbing chest pain
                1. pericardial rub on auscultation
                  1. ECG
                    1. -ST segment elevation -PR segment depression -T wave flattening and inversion
                    2. Chest X-ray
                      1. Pleural effusion
                      2. CT Scan/ MRI
                        1. Visualization of pericardium
                        2. Labs
                          1. Markers for inflammation: -CRP -ESR -WBC
                            1. BUN, Creatinine
                            2. Echocardiogram
                              1. Pericardiocentisis
                              2. High risk Patients/ Medical History
                                1. -Fever (>38C) -Immunosuppression -Pulsus Paradoxus -Lyme Disease -Toxoplasmosis -Anticoagulant treatment
                                2. Complications
                                  1. Recurrence of acute pericarditis
                                    1. Pericardial effusion
                                      1. Cardiac tamponade
                                        1. Constructive pericarditis
                                        2. Clinical Manifestations
                                          1. Persistent chest pain
                                            1. Aggravated by deep inspiration & lying supine
                                              1. Radiating pain to neck, arms, & trapezius muscle
                                              2. Dyspnea
                                                1. Pericardial friction rub
                                                  1. Fever
                                                    1. Fatigue
                                                      1. Abdominal & Leg edema
                                                      2. Nursing Interventions
                                                        1. Pain Relief
                                                          1. Sitting or leaning forward
                                                            1. Elevate head of bed (High Fowler)
                                                            2. Bed Rest
                                                              1. assess pain around the clock
                                                              2. Decrease pt anxiety & fear
                                                                1. Monitor for s/s of tamponade
                                                                  1. Pericardiocentsis
                                                                    1. Monitor catheter drainage
                                                                  2. Treatment
                                                                    1. Pericardiocentisis
                                                                      1. if pericardial effusion & tamponade developed
                                                                      2. Pericardiectomy
                                                                        1. if recurrent & last resort
                                                                        2. Pharmacology
                                                                          1. Antibiotics
                                                                            1. NSAIDS
                                                                              1. Ibuprofen
                                                                              2. Colchicine
                                                                                1. to prevent reoccurance
                                                                                2. Aspirin
                                                                                  1. Corticosteriods
                                                                                    1. Prednisone
                                                                                  2. Underlying disease
                                                                                  3. Assessment
                                                                                    1. V/S: BP, RR, P, Temp, O2
                                                                                      1. Pain Level
                                                                                        1. Chest Pain (PQRSTU)
                                                                                        2. Chest Auscultation
                                                                                          1. Rub
                                                                                          2. Observe limbs for edema
                                                                                            1. Physical Exam
                                                                                            2. Patient Education
                                                                                              1. Elevate head of bed
                                                                                                1. Healthy diet
                                                                                                  1. Decrease Sodium
                                                                                                    1. Take meds with food
                                                                                                    2. No smoking
                                                                                                      1. Elevate legs
                                                                                                        1. Manage stress & anxiety
                                                                                                          1. Follow ups w/ doctor
                                                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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