How to Create A Mindmap


This Mind Map outlines how you can easily create your study aid using ExamTime.
Mind Map by bsef11m044, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by PatrickNoonan over 9 years ago
Copied by bsef11m044 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

How to Create A Mindmap
  1. Break the 'on the page' mentality
    1. Your brain isn't confined to one page
      1. So your Mind Maps shouldn't be either
    2. Don't take sides
      1. Embrace both sides of your brain
        1. The Creative
          1. The Analytical
        2. Use Colour
          1. Group your ideas and thoughts by using colour
            1. Like this Mind Map!
          2. Nobody's Perfect
            1. Don't focus on perfection
              1. Tidy up later
                1. Let your ideas explode!
                2. Go Deeper
                  1. Every node on a Mind Map could be its own Mind Map
                    1. Use other tools to delve deeper
                  2. Share it
                    1. When you finish, share it with your Study Buddies
                      1. This will help you get a fresh perspective
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