How successful were Nazi policies towards women & the family?


History (Germany) Mind Map on How successful were Nazi policies towards women & the family?, created by Ashley.C on 30/05/2013.
Mind Map by Ashley.C, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Ashley.C almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

How successful were Nazi policies towards women & the family?
  1. Education played a major part in winning the hearts & minds of the young. The Nazis directed what was taught in schools & placed special emphasis on subjects they considered suitable.
    1. So History showed the success of the Nazis & Biology explained Nazi racial beliefs. Physical Education time trebled in the 1930s. Other subjects, like Race Studies & Ideology, also appeared on the timetable, as Nazi beliefs were taught as excepted facts.
      1. Girls' education had a greater emphasis placed on domestic science & subjects for motherhood in girls' schools. Whereas military training was mainly emphasised for boys in boys' schools.
        1. In the classroom, textbooks had been rewritten to present Nazi beliefs. Only teachers who supported the Party taught in schools. 97% became members of the National Socialist Teachers' League, from propaganda & intimidation. The League was founded to encourage teachers in the 'correct' way of thinking.
          1. Geography lessons emphasised the harshness of the T.O.V, Physics concentrated on weapon making & even Maths lessons for young children were sometimes about bombing Jewish ghettos. Of course the superiority of the Aryan race and the inferiority of blacks, Eastern Europeans and in particular Jews was emphasised.
            1. Nazis had very strong views about the place of women in society. It was their duty to remain at home as child-bearers & as supporters of their husbands. They were not considered as equal.
              1. Employment opportunities for women declined under the Nazis. Women were banned from jury service because they were said to be incapable of thinking without emotion. As a shortage of workers developed, (particularly in the war years), more women were encouraged to work, but were never allowed to join the armed forces.
                1. The Nazis encouraged women to have as many children as possible. Hitler was alarmed at the falling birth rate in Germany, so contraception was discouraged & mothers with 8+ children were awarded a golden Mother Cross (silver for 6 & bronze for 4).
                  1. Motherhood & family life were also prominent in Nazi propaganda. Posters & broadcasts emphasised the qualities of 'traditional'. German women & smoking was banned for them (in some cities), because it was 'unladylike' & make-up & the latest fashion was discouraged. Ideal German women had flat heels, plaited hair & no make-up.
                    1. Of course, many German women objected to their role as second-class citizens, & some joined illegal opposition political parties to campaign for better status, even though not they were not considered equal in the 30s. Nazi beliefs about women were not necessarily unusual, just more extreme in some cases.
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