Being Ill


Mind Map on Being Ill, created by Joanne Read on 29/05/2013.
Joanne Read
Mind Map by Joanne Read, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Charlie_eeyore almost 12 years ago
Joanne Read
Copied by Joanne Read almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Being Ill
  1. Anwar
    1. Diabetic
      1. Muslim
        1. First languages, punjabi and Urdu
        2. Wellbeing flucuates
          1. Biological
            1. Body not seeming right
            2. Social
              1. Stopping of normal life
              2. Idea
                1. Break
                  1. Rest
                    1. Take medication
                      1. Seek expert advise
                      2. Not in a normal state of health
                        1. The Sick Role
                          1. Parsons
                            1. Temporary excerpt for ordinary life
                              1. A state of illness not regarded as the sick personsfault
                                1. Expectations that advice sought from a tecnically competent Heath professional
                                2. Different perspectives, not seen as being ill
                                  1. Psychological
                                    1. Everyone reads body signals differently
                                    2. Illness involves coming to terms with personal consequences of taking on the sick role
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