Short-term physiological


A-Levels P.E (Short term preparation) Mind Map on Short-term physiological, created by harry_bygraves on 29/05/2013.
Mind Map by harry_bygraves, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by harry_bygraves almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Short-term physiological
  1. Satges of warm up and benfits
    1. 1. Pulse raiser; CV exercise to raise core body temp. and increase in heart rate
      1. 2. Injury prevention; Mobility exercises to increase muscle elasticity
        1. 3. Skill practice; working neuromuscular mechanisms needed in activity e.g. serving tennis
          1. 4. Sport specific; practicising specific skills in game situations
          2. Healthy diet manipulation, sports drinks, carb loading
            1. Sources of energy; aerobic systems, ATP-PC system and lactic acid system
              1. Creatine loading; refers to the ingestion of creatine supplements to enhance aerobic performance
                1. Diet in vital to athletic performance . Needs to consider; 1.Adequate fuels is consumed 2.Fuel stores are full 3. Adequate hydration 4. Fuel stores are suplemtented
                  1. Carb Loading; a legal method to boost glycogen stores. The body must be stressed to store more
                    1. Hydration; the loss of body fluids and electrolytes leads to dehydration and decrease in performance. ISOTONIC; contains electrolyts and 6-8% carbs. HYPOTONIC; contains electrolytes but low carbs. HYPERTONIC; high carbs, does not hydrate well
                    2. Process of acclimitisation
                      1. HEAT; need to dispate heat to avoid overheating. Common illnesses include; hyperthermia, heat cramps, dehydration. Takes up to 14 days. Adaptations such as; early onset sweat production occurs
                        1. Altitude; Parial pressure of oxygen is low. Greater altitude the greater hypoxia, decrease in performance. Training at altitude increases aerobic performance. Over 12 weeks adaptations such as; increase muscle and tissue cappillarisation, increase myoglobin concentraion
                          1. Hydration planning; attention to hydration, and awareness of the potential damage are important in hot conditions
                            1. Increase in plasma volume, undergoing heat acclimatisation may experience temperatur increase. Usually returns to normal within 8-14 days
                            2. Types of Stretches
                              1. Dynamic; consists of controlled movements taking the joint through its full range of movement
                                1. Static; performace stretches the muscle to a safe limit and is held
                                  1. PNF; involves passive stretching followed by isometric contractions
                                    1. Ballistic; uses bouncing to help forcibly stretch the muscle
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