

bacalaureat Dental Biochemistry Mind Map on Mineralisation, created by Caroline Oxford on 21/05/2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mind Map by Caroline Oxford, updated more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Created by Caroline Oxford about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Mineralisation
    1. enamel
      1. Formed by Ameloblasts
        1. Calcium ions
          1. Hydroxiapatitie
            1. Rod shape
              1. No Collagen
                1. Fluoride ions will make it stronger
                  1. Fluoride can cause fluorosis
              2. 96%
              3. Calcium Di Hydrogen phosphate
              4. phosphate ions
            2. Dentine
              1. formed by Odontoblasts
                1. Hydroxiapatite
                  1. 70%
                    1. Contains Collagen
                      1. Contains living cells unlike enamel
                        1. Dentine Tubules
                          1. contains fluid
                            1. Contains 1 Odontoblast
                    2. Pimary dentine
                      1. Formed before erruption
                      2. Secondry dentine
                        1. develops after tooth erruption
                        2. Tertiary dentine
                          1. develops after tooth damage
                            1. Not as organised
                        3. Bone
                          1. formed by Osteoblasts
                            1. Contains collagen
                              1. Calcium adds to collagen
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