this is a map about making housework easier


this is about electriction apliances
Mind Map by killerkin09, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by killerkin09 about 8 years ago

Resource summary

this is a map about making housework easier
  1. Apliance
    1. Coffe markers, mixer, vacum cleaner , dishwashers, washing machine and microwave
      1. Are common in modern house
        1. Stove are taking over
        2. Intelligent Refigerators
          1. Can tell you when to buy food or defrost
            1. It can do the housework
            2. Some people
              1. enjoy doing the housework
              2. In south Korea
                1. There is on robot called Mahru Z(r)
                  1. Mahru Z(r) is too expensive
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