New Zealand


Globalization in New Zealand
María Molano
Mind Map by María Molano, updated more than 1 year ago
María Molano
Created by María Molano almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

New Zealand
  1. Globalization
    1. Economic Transformations
      1. Trends
        1. Openings
          1. Liberalization
            1. Privatization
          2. Technology
            1. Export high-value services
              1. Banking
                1. Insurance
                2. Tourism
                  1. Film production
                  2. Identity
                    1. Culture
                      1. Native Maoris
                        1. History of New Zealand
                          1. Legends
                            1. LOSSES
                        2. Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.
                        3. Culture
                          1. Maori Culture
                            1. ''Haka''
                              1. Tourism growth
                                1. Languages
                                  1. Globalization
                                2. Pakeha Culture
                                  1. British settlers XIX
                                    1. Implemented other culture
                                      1. Loss of Maori culture
                                      2. IDENTITY
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                                      ENGLISH CLASS FUTURE FORMS
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                                      Should - Shouldn't
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