6. Jovellanos, a Spanish Enlightenment thinker


Mind Map on 6. Jovellanos, a Spanish Enlightenment thinker, created by Celeste Burgos Castro on 17/10/2022.
Celeste Burgos Castro
Mind Map by Celeste Burgos Castro, updated more than 1 year ago
Celeste Burgos Castro
Created by Celeste Burgos Castro over 1 year ago

Resource summary

6. Jovellanos, a Spanish Enlightenment thinker
  1. The agrarian issue in spain
    1. At the beginning of the 18th century, Spain remained a largely rural societu with low.
      1. To spread their new ideas and promote the development of agriculture, manufacturing and trade, Enlightenment thinkers created the Sociedad Económicas de Amigos del País.
        1. They proposed reforms that would lead to better land distribution and increase in production, trade and wealth, which would stimulate population growth.
        2. Englightened reformism
          1. Charles III (1759-1788) ruled as an absolutist king but undertook a series of reforms.
            1. However, the reform process in Spain was limited by the absence of a large bourgeoisie and the enormus influence of the Catholic Church
            2. 18 th- Century growth
              1. The 18th century was a period of population growth and economic expansion.
                1. The incrase in population led to incrased demand and simulated the production of goods.
                  1. A number of agricultural improvements led to an increase in agricultural production.
                    1. The protection of manufacturing stimulated an increase in production.
                      1. The liberalisation of trade allowed its overseas expansion by commercial companies.
                        1. Weak demand due to the povertyof the peasantry continued to be the main obstacle to economic growth.
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