Complexo de Máscaras (Personagens)


Mind Map on Complexo de Máscaras (Personagens), created by lyzz :) on 20/06/2021.
lyzz :)
Mind Map by lyzz :), updated more than 1 year ago
lyzz :)
Created by lyzz :) over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Complexo de Máscaras (Personagens)
  1. Théo
    1. Kenny
      1. Lucy
        1. Pregador Nicolo
          1. Giovani
          2. Cristopher
          3. Olivia
          4. Original
            1. Below
              1. Above
                1. Alpha
                  1. Beta
                    1. Kevin
                    2. Gamma
                      1. Delta
                        1. Épisilon
                          1. Zeta
                            1. Eta
                              1. Téta
                                1. Adriano
                                  1. Fábia
                                  2. Iota
                                    1. Alice
                                      1. Diogo
                                        1. Eva
                                  3. Kappa
                                    1. Lambda
                                      1. Mi
                                        1. Ni
                                        2. Csi
                                  4. Legenda
                                    1. Principal
                                      1. Semi-Principais
                                        1. Codjuvante
                                      2. Principal
                                        1. Semi-Principal
                                          1. Codjuvante
                                        2. Morto
                                          1. Vivo
                                            1. Imparcial
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