

Techologies ESO I oxford education Unit 6 --> Metals
Jorge Navarro Fidalgo
Mind Map by Jorge Navarro Fidalgo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jorge Navarro Fidalgo
Created by Jorge Navarro Fidalgo almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Properties
    1. hard
      1. often shiny
        1. non-adhesive
          1. cold and smooth
          2. Obtention
            1. surface mining
              1. underground mining
                1. metals are taken from minerals contained in rocks
                2. Clasification
                  1. ferrous
                    1. are common
                      1. contain iron
                      2. iron alloys (by adding carbon)
                        1. Pure iron
                          1. not much carbon
                          2. Steel
                            1. harder and stronger than iron
                            2. Cast iron
                              1. a lot of carbon
                          3. non-ferrous
                            1. light and ultra-light
                              1. aluminium
                                1. titanium
                                  1. magnesium
                                  2. heavy
                                    1. lead
                                      1. zinc
                                        1. tin
                                          1. bronze
                                            1. copper
                                              1. brass
                                          2. Working with metals
                                            1. shaping
                                              1. rolling
                                                1. extrusion
                                                  1. forging and press forging
                                                    1. punching
                                                      1. bending
                                                        1. wire drawing
                                                          1. powder metallurgy
                                                            1. casting and centrifugal casting
                                                            2. marking
                                                              1. centre punch
                                                              2. cutting
                                                                1. circular saw
                                                                2. drilling
                                                                  1. drill
                                                                  2. joints
                                                                    1. permanent
                                                                      1. rivet
                                                                        1. adhesives
                                                                          1. press fit joint
                                                                            1. welding
                                                                            2. temporary
                                                                              1. nuts and bolts
                                                                                1. screws
                                                                                  1. threaded stay bolts
                                                                                    1. keyed joints
                                                                                      1. splined shafts
                                                                                        1. sliding joints
                                                                                      2. shaping/turning
                                                                                        1. chisel
                                                                                        2. rough finishing
                                                                                          1. file
                                                                                          2. finishes
                                                                                            1. grinding
                                                                                              1. lapping
                                                                                                1. polishing
                                                                                                  1. buffing
                                                                                                    1. coatings
                                                                                                  2. alloys
                                                                                                    1. mixture of 2 or more chemical element
                                                                                                      1. the primary element is a metal
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