Graduation project


Graduation project
Sergio Guerra
Mind Map by Sergio Guerra, updated more than 1 year ago
Sergio Guerra
Created by Sergio Guerra almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Graduation project
  1. dreams
    1. Within this first stage is also essential Dream individually and come to share dreams with other people. Dreams are the engine of all Person and community.
      1. (I, others and the context) the most important thing has to be taken into account in the grade project.
        1. Take into account: limitations, obstacles and current disabilities
          1. What citizens of the various Areas understand and want to Mobility. • What experts from different areas They wait for ideal mobility. • Desires of rulers and Legislators. • Expectations of regulations.
            1. evaluation
              1. The differences between what we want (stage 1-desires) and what we are currently achieving and 2
                1. DAEP
                  1. • Differences between objectives/achievements Current and desires of citizens, Experts, rulers and Regulations. • Assessment of the effectiveness of Current actions versus desires Collective futures on Mobility of Stage D.
                    1. actions
                      1. The actions And the processes that are being carried out in the current For what is currently being achieved
                        1. Resources used: Computed- networks, telephones, sound systems, classrooms and Spaces, material (technology)
                          1. The lifting and recording of all this information On the functioning and the current objectives is Essential for understanding and analyzing the current situation
                            1. Current description and effectiveness of Structures (flows, processes, quantities, etc.), resources (bicycles, vehicles, times, spaces, technology), Training of citizens and officials, Citizen Culture and living environment Current achievements and objectives
                            2. plans
                              1. • Actions that are realizable and specific to That the current situation looks like the Desired by the collectivity in Mobility. Actions in structures, Resources, training, culture and environment, and objectives. • Ways of tracking that promote Self-control on the part of the actors.
                                1. Design new strategies or modify some previous ones to ensure the realization of the desired future when the project culminates.
                                  1. “Las 7 Ps”
                                    1. Instruments for the collection and review of data and information
                                    2. By: Sergio Andres Guerra Sanchez
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