
These flashcards are every thing you need to know on UNIT 2 CHEMISTRY GCSE TOPIC 1 STRUCTURE AND BONDING. It mostly follows ionic bonds but there is some other information on covalent bonds too. This would be a higher teer revision guide for GCSE's, 2014/15.
Flashcards by mustafizk, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by ktmoo.poppypoo almost 10 years ago
Copied by mustafizk almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a compound? A substance in which two atoms of two or more elements are chemically combined.
What does chemical bonding involve? Either transferring or sharing electrons in the highest occupied energy levels (shells).
What does chemical bonding achieve? The electronic structure of a noble gas
When atoms form chemical bonds, what do they form? IONS
What happens when an atom looses an electron? It becomes positively charged.
What happens when an atom gains an electron? It becomes negatively charged
What to metal atoms form? Positive ions.
What do non-metal ions form? Negative ions.
What is an ionic bond? The strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions.
How would you work out how many charges an ion should have? - When it's a metal ion the charge is equal to the group number of the metal. - When it's a non-metal the charge is equal to the group number minus 8.
Draw a lithium atom becoming positive. (Li 2,1)
Draw a fluorine atom becoming negative. (F 2,7)
What is an ionic compound? When metals and non-metals share electrons forming ions. A giant structure of ions.
What are the group one elements called and what do they form when reacting with non-metals? Alkali metals. They form an ionic compound with a single positive charge.
What are the elements in group 7 called and what do they form when they react with metals? Hallogens. They form ionic compounds with a single negative charge.
When atoms share pairs of electrons, what do they form? Covalent bonds.
What do metals consist of in structure and bonding? Giant structures of atoms arranged in a regular pattern.
What happen to the electrons in the highest occupied energy levels (shells) of metal atoms? They are delocalised and so move freely through the whole structure. This corresponds to a structure of positive ions with electrons between ions holding them together by strong electrostatic connections.
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