Psychoanalytic Theories


Freud, Erikson; Piaget, Havinghurst; Pavlov, Skinner; Ellis, Bandura; Rogers, Maslow
Robin Decker
Flowchart by Robin Decker, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Created by Robin Decker over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Psychoanalytic Theories
  • Object Relations Theory
  • Development Theory
  • Behavioral Theory
  • Cognitive Behavioral Theory
  • Humanistic Theory
  • Freud Unconscious *Talk Cure *Hypnosis, then free association, then dream interpretation 
  • Erikson Ego Growth *Neo-Freudian * More Society & Culture * Physical, social, intellectual factors *Sense of purpose 8 Problem solving * Skill acquisition
  • Jean Piaget *Studied children * Abstract reasoning
  • Havinghurst *Development a continuous process * Tasks accomplished @ stages
  • Ivan Pavlov * Russian physiologist * Digestion * Pavlov's dogs
  • B.F. Skinner * Air-crib * Skinner Rat box
  • Albert Ellis * RET/REBT *Worked with ABCD's of Experience
  • Albert Bandura * Social Modeling Theory * Learn via Imitation * More effect vs. trial/error approach * Bobo Dolls * Aggressive behavior learned via observation
  • Carl Rogers * Client Centered therapy vs. Patient * Feelings/choices * Empathy * Theory: A single "life force" called Actualizing Tendency * Based on Maslow's Self-Actualization * Warm, non-directive therapist
  • Abraham Maslow * More a theorist than therapist * People basically trustworthy, self-protecting, self-governing * Self fulfillment * Assumptions
  • 2 Basic Drives  1. sexual/life 2. Agression/death
  • Id, Ego, Superego
  • 5 Stages of Development 1. Oral 2. Anal 3. Phallic 4. Latent 5. Genital
  • Defense Mechanisms: Repression Denial Projection Rationalization Conversion Regression Undoing Idealization Identification Sublimation Substitution Displacement Compensation
  • Terms 1. Epigenetic principle 2. Developmental lag
  • 8 Stages - Development Tasks 1. oral sensory - Trust vs Mistrust 2. anal muscular - Autonomy vs Shame/doubt 3. genital-locomotor - Initiative vs. Guilt 4. latency - Industry vs Inferiority 5. adolescence - Identity vs Role Confusion 6. young adult - Intimacy vs Isolation 7. middle adult - Generativity vs Stagnation 8. late adult/maturity - Ego integrity vs Despair
  • 4 Stages Sequential Development 1. Sensorimotor 2.  Pre-operational 3. Concrete operations 4. Formal operations
  • Terms 1. Assimilation: new info incorporated into existing ideas. 2. Accommodation: new info = modify ideas   3. Adaptation: functional, cognitive or behavioral trait that benefits an organism in its environment.  4. Conservation: logical thinking 5. Seriation: sorting 6. Object Impermanence: thinking things disappear 7. Reversibility: things can go back to original condition 8. Schemas: a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them.
  • Tasks: Physical/Intellectual Social/Personal 1. Infancy 2. Toddlerhood 3. Early childhood 4. Middle childhood 3 pushes 5. Adolescence 6. Early adulthood 7. Middle adulthood 8. Later maturity  
  • 5 Functions of Work 1. Income 2. Expenditure of time & energy 3. Identification & Status 4. Association 5. Source of meaningful life experience
  • Classical Conditioning = Physical Responses
  • Terms: 1. Unconditional stimulus 2. Unconditional response 3. Conditioned stimulus 4. Conditioned response
  • Operant Conditioning = Action/ Consequence
  • Terms:  1. Reinforcement 2. Terminal behavior 3. Shaping 4. Chaining 5. Schedule of reinforcement 6. Extinction
  • RET/REBT w/ ABCD's of Experience
  • Terms: 1. Activating agent 2. Belief 3. Consequences 4. Disputation 5. Corrective emotional experience
  • Focus of Therapy Divide beliefs into rational vs. irrational
  • Learn via 4 Processes 1. Attention 2. Retention 3. Reproduction 4. Motivation
  • Terms:  1. Non-directive 2. Unconditional positive regard 3. Accurate empathy 4. Open invite to talk 5. Minimal response 6. Reflection of Feeling 7. Paraphrasing 8. Warmth/Withhold judgment
  • Hierarchy of Needs Deficit Needs (Basic Human) 1. physiological 2. safety 3. love & belonging 4. esteem Being Needs (most people never arrive here) 5. Self-Actualization
  • Mental Health/Illness determined by relationships w/Objects (Human/non-Human) & Environment
  • Central concept: all behavior learned/acquired through conditioning
  • Basis: All behavior based on what we think/believe. Automatic Thoughts: inappropriate/irrational thinking patterns Events neutral: receive meaning from our thoughts Attribution: Meaning placed on event or situation
  • Divide child development into distinct stages characterized by qualitative differences in behavior.
  • An approach which studies the whole person & uniqueness of each individual.
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