Developmental Theory - Robert Havinghurst


Psychosocial Dysfunction 1 Flowchart on Developmental Theory - Robert Havinghurst, created by Robin Decker on 20/09/2018.
Robin Decker
Flowchart by Robin Decker, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Created by Robin Decker over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Developmental Theory: Robert Havinghurst
  • Development Continuous Process Tasks Accomplished at Each Stage Tasks Divided: Physical/Intellectual & Social/Personal 1. Infancy 0 - 1: learning to eat solids, eye-hand coordination, sensory discrimination 2. Toddler-hood 1 - 2: walking, talking, controlling bodily fluids, social play, self reliance 3. Early childhood 2 - 6: fine muscle control, accurate body concept, right/wrong, relating emotionally/social, physical reality 4. Middle childhood 6-12: fact from fantasy, relating to unfamiliar adults, conscience, independence in family    Three Pushes: 1. move from home to school 2. move into physical/social games, duties, work 3. move into more adult thinking 5. Adolescence 12+: mastering philosophy, abstract thinking, adjust to body changes, intimate relationships 6. Early Adulthood 18-30: marriage, start family, career 7. Middle Adulthood 30-60: adult/social responsibilities, assist adolescents to become responsible 8. Later Maturity 60+: adjust to decreased strength/health, death of loved ones, retirement
  • 5 Functions of Work   1. Income 2. Expenditure of time and energy 3. Identification and status 4. Association 5. Source of meaningful life        experience
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