Personal details-physical description


Flashcards on Personal details-physical description , created by Christian Pastro on 08/05/2017.
Christian Pastro
Flashcards by Christian Pastro, updated more than 1 year ago
Christian Pastro
Created by Christian Pastro about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
nome first name
cognome surname
età age
data di nascita date of birth
mestiere job
indirizzo address
numero di telefono telephone number
sposato merried
divorziato divorced
celibe/nubile single
separato separated
neonato baby
bambino/ ragazzo child/(young)boy
adolescente teenager
anziano elderly
provenire da/essere di to come/be from
fare lo spelling to spell
abitare, vivere to live
barba beard
baffi moustache
rughe wrinkles
lentiggini freckles
cicatrice scar
occhiali glasses
spalle larghe broad shoulders
testa calva bald head
orecchie con piercing pierced ears
carnagione chiara pale/fair complexion
carnagione giallastra yellowish complexion
carnagione scura dark complexion
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