

IB Psychology - Developmental psychology: Attachment (Part of the option)
Orchid Blue
Flashcards by Orchid Blue, updated more than 1 year ago
Orchid Blue
Created by Orchid Blue almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Type A Anxious-avoidant (15%) - ignores mother, indifferent towards her, - play is not affected by whether she is present or not, - No or few signs of distress when the mother leaves and the child actively ignores or avoids her on her return, - Distress is caused by being alone but the child is easily comforted by a stranger.
Type B Securely attached (70%) The baby plays happily while the mother is present, whether the stranger is present or not. Mother is largely ignored because she can be trusted to be there if needed. Distress when mother leaves, play is reduced. Seeking contact with mother when she returns - the baby is calmed down. The distress is caused by the mother's absence, not by being alone. The stranger can only provide comfort to some extent.
Type C Anxious-resistant (15%) Baby is fussy while the mother is present: cries a lot and explores less than types A and B. The mother is not a safe base. Very distressed when mother leaves. Seeks contact on her return but simultaneously show anger and resists contact. This shows baby's ambivalence towards her. The baby doesn't return readily to play. Actively resist stranger's efforts to make contact.
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