Topic 3


A level Sociology (Education) Flashcards on Topic 3, created by Hannah Fernandez on 09/05/2013.
Hannah Fernandez
Flashcards by Hannah Fernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Fernandez
Created by Hannah Fernandez over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did Bowker identify as a 'major barrier' for low-income black American families? He identified that their lack of standard english was a major barrier to their progress in education and integration into wider society.
'Children who do not speak Englsih at home may be held back educationally.' What did Gillborn and Mirza find that contradicts this statement? They foudn that Indian pupils do very well despite often not having English as their home language.
How does black children being socialised into a subculture affect their education? It effects their eduaction because they are being socialised into a subculture that instills a fatalistic attitude that doesn't value education.
What did Pryce find that meant Asian's achieved higher than the black culture? He found that because Asian culture is resistent to racism, they weer able to achieve higer, wheras the black culture are less resistent, which results into low self-esteem.
What did Khan say about Asian families? She describes the Asian culture as 'stress ridden' because they arebound to tradition and have a controlling attitude towards children, especially girls.
How does the Asian family structure bring educational benefits? It brings educational benefits as parens have a more postive attitude towards education. And respectful behaviour was expected towards adults.
What did the Sutton Trust find out about white-working class and their aspirations for universtiy? They found that 80% of 11-16year olds from ethnic minorites aspire to university, compared to only 68% of white people do.
What does Driver say that the cultural education theory ignores? He says that it ignores the positive effects that ethnicity has on achievement.
What problems did Flaherty identify that ethnic minorities are more likely to face? She found that unemployment was 3 times higher for Africans and Bangladeshis/Pakistanis than for whies; also that 15% of ethnic minorities live overcrowed compared to the 2% of whites.
Waht did the Swann Report find about social class? It found that social class account for 50% of difference in acheivement.
What did Gillborn find about teacher racism and labelling? He found teachers were quicker to discipline black studens than other students for some behaviour and that 'racialised expectations' stemmed from racial sterotypes rather than actual behaviour.
What did Wright discover about Asian pupils? She found that teachers assumed that they had a poor grasp of English and left them out discussioned. The girls especially where marginalised - left to the sides and prevented from particpating fully.
What did Fuller find about black girls in year 11 in London being high achievers despite the negative labelling from teachers? She found that the girls had cahllenged their anger of being labelled into educational success, and they did not seek approval from their teachers, but they only conformed to as dar as the schoolwork was concerned. Shows that labelling doesn't always lead to failure.
What did Mac an Ghaill find about all girls schools and overcoming negative labels? She found that all-girls school gave greater acedemic commitment to overcome negative labels, therefore showing that it doesn't always produce self-fulfilling prophecy.
What three main types of teacher racism did Mirza identify? She identified: -The colour-blind = where teachers who believed all pupils are equal but in practice allow them to go unchallenged. -The liberal chauvinists = where teachers who believed that black pupils are culturally deprived and have low expectations of them. -the overt racists = where the teachers who blieved that black pupils are inferior and actively discriminate against them.
What responses did Sewell find to racism from boys? He found 4 responses: -the rebels - which were a small minority of the black pupils, and where the most visible and influencial group 'black macho man' and gained thiar masculinity by sexual experience. -the conformists - which where the largest group, who were keen to suceed, accepted the school's goals, and had friends from different ethnic groups. -the retreatists - wher a tiny minority, and where isolated individuals who were disconnected from school and black subcultures, and where despise by the rebels. -the innovators - where the second largest group, they did not seek approval of the teachers and conformed only to schoolwork, they kept their distance from the conformists but had credibility with the rebels.
What dangers are there with labelling and pupil responses? There is a danger of seeing it as individual teacher prejudices, rather than of racism in the wider society. There is also the danger of assuming that once labelled the self-fulling prophecy will happen, when in reality there are some people who devise strategies to avoid them.
What is meant by the ethnocentric curriculum? It means an attitude or policy that gives priority to the culture and viewpoint of one particular ethnic group while disregarding others.
What did David say about the national curriculum? He said that it was 'specifically British' and largely ignores the non-European languages, literature, music.
What differences did Troyna and Williams make of 'institutional racism'? They made a distinction between: -individual racism - that results from the prejudiced views of individuals. -instituational racism - where discrimination is built into the way institutions such as schools and colleges operate.
What does Gillborn argue that marketisation has done? It has given schools greater scope to select pupils and this puts some ethnic minority pupils at a disadvantage.
What advantage does selection procedures have to white middle class pupils, according to Moore and Davenport? It favours the white middle class pupils because schools are able to choose the better pupils, but this puts those from low-income and ethnic minority backgrounds at a disadvantage.
What was Evans arugment about the understanding the relationship between ethnicity and achievement? She argued that we need o look a how ethnicity interacts with gender and class. She claims that when examining black children's achievement we only at culture and ethnicity, whereas with white achievement we only look at class.
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