Created by Juliet Richards
about 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Lex Acilia Calpurnia 67BC | permanent exclusion from office in cases of extortion |
Lex Aurelia Iudicaria 70BC | arranged equitable distribution of jury service amongst senators, equites and tribunes |
Lex Gabinia 67BC | Gave Pompey overriding command against pirates in mediterranean |
Lex Licinia et Pompeia 55BC | consuls Pompey and Crassus prolonged Caesar's proconsulship in Gaul for another 5 years |
Lex Manilia (de Imperio Pompeius) 66BC | gave Pompey overall command in East to fight Mithridates |
Lex Roscia 49BC | proposed by Caesar, gave citizenship to people of Transalpine Gaul |
Lex Rubria 45BC | incorporates Cisalpine Gaul into Italy |
Lex Titia 43BC | Legalises 2nd Triumvirate (Octavian, Lepidus, Antony) |
Lex Tullia 63BC | passed by Cicero during consulship to regulate electoral fraud (ambitus) |
Lex Vatinia 59BC | gave Caesar governorship of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum for 5 years |
Lex Agraria | regulating distribution of public lands |
Lex Annalis | qualifications for office and magistracies (age, money, etc) |
Lex Ambitu | electoral bribery and corruption |
Lex Curiata de Imperio | Comitia Curiata used to ratify the choice of a new king, also confirmed Octavian's adoption as Caesar's son 43BC |
Lex Frumentaria | regulating price of grain |
Lex sumptuaria | regulating use of luxury items and publlic manifestations of wealth |
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