Created by Archie Mitchell
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
What is weathering? (Defenition) | The defeniton of weathering is " The decay and disintergration of rocks, in Situ, including Physical, Chemical and Biological proceses, resulting from the conditions from the atmosphere." |
Why is Weathering Useful? | Weathering is helpfull, as it is involved in the formation of all the soil that covers the earth's surface. Weathering breaks down rocks at the Earth's Surface into soil which contains nutrients useful or necerseary to vegitation or crop growth. |
What Problems does Weathering Cause? | Weathering can affect rocks that have been used as building stones. This is usually very slowly, and doesn't matter, but in some damp areas it can cause more significant damage! |
True or False - Do rocks that have been Fragmented by Weathering ever form any new rock? | True - Rock Fragments, Sand, Clay and disolved mineral, eventually which over immense peirods of time, eventually go on to form new rocks. (This is part of the rock cycle.) |
How does Freezee-Thaw Weathering Work? | Usually in mountin ranges, rain water trickles into Natural Cracks and frezees, causing expansion by upto 9%. This causes cracking of the rock. The water will then Freeze Night after Night Causing, gradual but slow cracking to occour until the rock will split into half. |
How does Exfoliation Weathering work? | Exfoliation weather (also known as Onion Skin Weathering, is where thick layers of rock peel of parallel to the rock surface. This is caused by a Large Diurnal Temperature Range (For Example in Deserts) where it is often hot in the day and cool at night causing contraction and expansion of the rock, which over a peirod of time will cause Cracking and eventual "peeling of the layers". It is usually much faster if water is present in Exfoliation Weathering. |
Define Diurnal Temperature Range? | The difference between the higest and lowest temperature in an area. For example, a desert often has a Large Diurnal Temperture Range, as it is very hot in the day and cool at night. |
What happens in the process of Carbonation? | Carbonation occours when Rain Water (H20) combines with Carbon Dioxide in the air to form Carbonic Acid, which soaks into the rock Surface and Structure, causing eventual washing away of the rock. |
How does the Wedging effect of Tree Roots Work? | When soil is shallow, seeds and roots find their way into Natural Cracks in the Bedrock. As the seed germinates or the roots expand, the pressure from the expansion, causes cracking of Bedrock, often reaching the surface of the Bedrock. |
Which Sort of Matter causes the release of Acids and Carbon Dioxide to provide Capabilites for Chemical Weathering? | Plant Matter - Decaying Plant Matter, like that found on a Forest Floor, produceds chemicals as it decomposes, like Humic Acid and Carbon Dioxide. These chemicals allow faster Chemical Weathering to take place. |
How does Vegetation Trapping Water increase Chemical Weathering? | Most Chemical Proceses are quicker if Water is Present. Even in dry rock areas, Water can be trapped in adjacent Vegetatian allowing weathering to occour at a faster speed. |
Is Freeze Thaw action, Crystal Growth and Exfoliation Weathering examples of Physical, Chemical or Biological weathering? | Freeze-Thaw Weathering, Crystal Growth and Exfoliation Weathering are examples of Physical Weathering. |
What is the Process of Salt Crystal Growth. | For Salt Crystal Growth to occour spray from the waves tandson rocks which when then water evaporates leaving the salt behind. Over time the Salt Crystals grow in a rock causing the Crystals to act like a wedge, causing the rock to break down into fragments. |
Is Carbonation and Oxidation examples of Physical, Chemical or Biological weathering? | Carbonation and Oxidation are examples of Chemical Weathering. |
Describe the Process of Oxidation? | Oxidation occours when Oxygeon in the air combines with metal, such as ion in rocks. This reaction expands and weakens the origonal rock mineral which breaks down easily as rust. A red-brown colour shown on the rock shows that Oxidation has taken place. |
In which conditions does Carbonation Weathering Take Place? | Carbonation weathering usually takes place in a wet place. |
In which conditions does Oxidation Weathering Take Place? | Oxidation Weathering occours mainly in dry places. |
What is a Exfoliation Dome? | An Exfoliation Dome is the rocks that are affected by the process of Exfoliation. |
Which Type of Rock is usually affected by Exfoliation Weathering? | Granite is the rock that is mainly effected by Exfoliation Weathering. |
Is the Wedging effect of Tree Roots, Relasing Acids and Vegitation Trapping Water examples of Physical, Chemical or Biological weathering? | Tree Root Wedging, Release of Acids through plant matter and Vegetation trapping water is examples of Biological Weathering. |
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