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Created by Jasmine Tran
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Serene | Calm, tranquil (The massage therapist played serene music during the massage session to help the patient relax) |
Status | Condition (The paramedic recognized that the patient's status was unstable, which necessitated immediate transport to the nearest medical center) |
Sublingual | Under the tongue (The patient was prescribed a sublingual medication for chest pain) |
Supplement | To take in addition to or to complete (The dietician instructed the patients to supplement their diets with calcium tablets to help build strong bones) |
Suppress | To stop or subdue (When the child's temperature decreased, the nurse checked to see if any medications had been given that would have suppressed the fever) |
Symmetric / Symmetrical | Being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative position (The paramedic observed that the movement of both sides of the patient's chest was symmetrical after the accident) |
Symptom | An indication of a problem (The nurse recognized that the patient's weakness was a symptom of bleeding after surgery) |
Syndrome | Group of symptoms that, when occurring together, reflect a specific disease or disorder (After reviewing the patient's symptoms, which included pain and tingling in the hand and fingers, the physician made a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome) |
Therapeutic | Of or relating to the treatment of a disease or a disorder (Therapeutic diets may include calorie and salt restrictions) |
Toxic | Causing harm, poisonous (The pediatrician recommended that the parents of a toddler keep all toxic substance out of the toddlers reach) |
Transdermal | Crossing through the skin (The physician prescribed a transderal nicotine patch for a patient participating in the smoking cessation program) |
Transmission | Transfer, such as of a disease, from one person to another (Nurses should wash their hands to prevent the transmission of infections) |
Trauma | Injury, wound (The accident victim had severe facial trauma) |
Triage | Process used to determine the priority of treatment for patients according to the severity of a patient's condition and the likelihood of benefit from the treatment (When the paramedics arrived at the scene of the accident, they had to triage the patients) |
Ubiquitous | Being or seeming to be everywhere at once (The patient noticed the ubiquitous "no smoking" signs in the clinic) |
Urinate | Excrete or expel urine (The patient was instructed to urinate into the container so the nurse could send a urine sample to the laboratory) |
Vascular | Of or relating to blood vessels (The patient underwent vascular surgery for repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm) |
Verbal | Spoken, using words (The paramedic called in a verbal report on the patient's condition to the emergency room nurse while transporting the patient to the hospital) |
Virulent | Extremely harmful and severe (The virulet infection required an aggressive treatment regimen) |
Virus | Microscopic infectious agent capable of replicating only in living cells, usually causing infectious disease (A person with a cold who goes shopping can transmit the virus to others) |
Vital | Essential (The paramedic knows that it is vital to learn what type of poison was taken when caring for a poisoning victim) |
Volume | Amount of space occupied by a fluid (The nurse recorded the volume of cough syrup administered to the patient) |
Void | To urinate |
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